Today I made a delicious meal to eat on time. Burger Buns. But I made these burger buns this morning. Because it has to be left to bloom.
I’ve tested and tested a lot of recipes in my website. Sometimes if I get lucky, I’ll get it in one try and if I am not, I’ll do it over and over until I get it right. One of the recipe that I had to test over and over because I want it to be perfect is my all around bread dough. I’ve tested it couple of times I stopped counting. I made some mistakes and I want to share this recipe with you so that you don’t have to repeat the same mistakes I did. Do you know tough bread, dry bread or bland bread? I’ve encountered them several times, and what I’ve learned from my mistakes I’ve applied it in my all around bread dough which is basically where this recipe came from. I did not call it all-around bread dough for nothing. If I can not even use it to make a burger bun or a slice bread or a dinner roll then it’s not an all around bread dough.
This burger bun is what I call perfection, and what my friends call over the top and better than store-bough. It’s soft and fluffy, not dry and bland, it’s beautiful in every way. A perfect homemade burger deserves a perfect homemade burger bun. Right?
Active Yeast Vs. Instant Yeast
Because yeast plays a very important role is making this soft and fluffy bread, let’s take a few minutes to understand it. What it is, what are the common types of yeast, the difference among the yeast, and what role the yeast do in bread. I normally encounter 2 types of yeast in most recipes, and in the grocery so I decided to focus on this two types of yeast, although there is a 3rd type “Fresh Yeast” but I never used it.
260g cups of bread flour2
Tablespoons of butter or margarine1
1 teaspoon of sugar
Tablespoons of milk powder1
1/2 teaspoon of salt
4 tablespoons of water (just cool water)
Yeast 1 tbsp
1 teaspoon of sugar
1/4 cup of lukewarm water
How to make:
First add yeast, sugar and lukewarm water to a cup and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
In a bowl, beat bread crumbs, milk powder, butter, salt and 1 egg and add 1/2. Now add the yeast mixture and mix well. Add 4 tablespoons of lukewarm water, mix well and make a dough.
Now put it on a do mat and knead for about 10 minutes. Do not over-tighten.
Now roll it lengthwise, divide it into 4 equal parts, make balls, place them in a floured tray, cover with a cloth and let it simmer for about 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, take a ball, knead it thinly on a floured board, add it around the middle of the dough and press tightly. Or open when baked. Then make it into a round shape by hand. Make it like this and cover it again with a cloth and leave it to bloom for about 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes, scrape off the remaining egg whites. I put some sesame seeds on top.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees for 10 minutes and bake for 15 minutes.
For filling after preparation
Required Materials:
Finely chop the onion and green chillies from 2 eggs, add salt and make 4 omelets.
Potato slices
Country onion slices
Pepper powder
How to make:
Cut all of these into slices and place the lettuce first in the middle of the burger buns, then place an omelette on top, top with some tomato and onion slices and garnish as shown in the picture below. Where to try.